NHFHS is celebrating Black History Month by recognizing African Americans who have had a significant impact at New Horizon Family Health Services (NHFHS) and the Upstate community!

In 2024, Regina M. Mitchell retired after 26 years of service as President and Chief Executive Officer of New Horizon Family Health Services (NHFHS). She earned her Master of Health Administration from the University of South Carolina and Fellow from the American College of Healthcare Executives. Read more…

During his time at New Horizon Family Health Services (NHFHS), William T. Mansell was renowned for his outstanding internal customer service. He would often provide assistance to any staff members throughout the building. Mr. Mansell always displayed a warm and positive attitude and treated all staff members with kindness and respect. Read more…

Mary E. Dixon was a dedicated advocate for community health centers. As an employee of New Horizon Family Health Services (NHFHS), she devoted herself to highlighting our mission “To provide quality, affordable, compassionate patient-centered health care to improve the health of the communities we serve”. Read more…

From the moment she joined the pharmacy team at New Horizon Family Health Services in 2006, Debrah M. Johnson exemplified what it meant to be an excellent pharmacist, a strong team member and an amazing human. Her dedication to the mission and vision of NHFHS was unparalleled. Read more…