From the moment she joined the pharmacy team at New Horizon Family Health Services in 2006, Debrah M. Johnson exemplified what it meant to be an excellent pharmacist, a strong team member and an amazing human. Her dedication to the mission and vision of NHFHS was unparalleled. Debrah went above and beyond to ensure that every patient she encountered received top-notch customer service. She possessed an incredible work ethic, sincere dedication to the pharmacy team, and resilience few could match. Debrah even worked at NHFHS throughout her battle with breast cancer – going to chemotherapy in the mornings or using her lunch break to meet with her oncologists.
Sadly, Debrah’s battle with breast cancer came to an end In April 2020. NHFHS created the Debrah M. Johnson Excellence in Pharmacy Award in her memory. This annual award is given to a member of the NHFHS pharmacy team who continues Debrah’s legacy of excellent customer service, strong work ethic, commitment to the pharmacy team, and dedication to the mission and vision of NHFHS.