Ryan White Program

Who was Ryan White?

The Ryan White Program is a federally funded program that helps coordinate comprehensive medical care for people living with HIV/AIDS. The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Modernization Act of 2006 is named after a 15 year-old boy who experienced great discrimination because of his HIV status. The program is an early intervention service program designed to help improve the quality and availability of primary healthcare for those with HIV/AIDS.

Nationally, the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program works with cities, states, and local community-based organizations to provide primary medical care and essential support service to more than half a million people each year. People living with HIV who have no insurance or are under insured can receive the HIV medical care and other support services they need.

What is the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program?

The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program provides funding to assist with the cost of providing outpatient medical care and related services for people living with HIV disease.

Who is eligible to participate in the Ryan White Program?

Any individual with a documented diagnosis of HIV or AIDS living within our 10-county service area in South Carolina of Abbeville, Anderson, Edgefield, Greenville, Greenwood, Laurens, McCormick, Oconee, Pickens and Saluda is eligible to participate in the Ryan White Program.

What are the services of the Ryan White Program?

The following services are available:

Primary and HIV specialty medical care   
Oral Health services                                        
Nutritional Counseling                                     
Prescription Assistance                                    
Case Management                                           


Laboratory services
HIV Counseling and Testing
Health Education
Transportation Assistance
Mental Health/Substance Abuse Counseling

Assistance for these services is determined by sliding fee income guidelines. For the guidelines to the Sliding Fee Scale for the Ryan White Program, click here.

Ryan White Program providers may also request referrals for other medical needs related to HIV care.

Are Ryan White Program services free?

By law, the Ryan White Program is required to be the payer of last resort. This means if a patient has other insurance coverage, such as employer-sponsored coverage, Medicaid or Medicare, that insurer must pay prior to Ryan White funding.

The patient’s financial status will be assessed at intake and annually thereafter to determine eligibility for a sliding fee discount. Income verification must be provided to be eligible. There will be no out of pocket costs imposed on patients whose income is at or below 100% of the federal poverty level. If you are insured, an insurance claim will be filed for all rendered services.

Prescription assistance is available at New Horizon Family Health Services' on-site pharmacy based on the Ryan White Program sliding fee discount schedule.

Transportation assistance is available at no cost to the patient on a case by case basis.

Specialist visits and referrals may be covered if referred by a New Horizon Family Health Services' provider as funds are available.


HIV Prevention

What if there was a pill that could help prevent HIV? There is. Pre-exposure prophylaxis (or PrEP) is a HIV prevention option for people at risk for HIV that works by taking one pill as prescribed every day.  To learn more about PrEP, contact 864-729-8330, extension 2614.

Do You Know Your Status? – Free HIV Screening Options  

New Horizon Family Health Services' Ryan White Program offers the following free options for HIV screening: 

HIV Screening Days:

Free HIV screening is offered at our 975 W. Faris Road office in Greenville Monday - Friday from 8am – 4pm with no appointment needed. 

In-Home HIV Screening: 

Together TakeMeHome is a national direct-to-consumer program that offers free HIV self-tests by mail. People can order up to two free HIV self-tests every 90 days. Tests are available to anyone 17 or older, regardless of health insurance or immigration status. CDC supports this program in partnership with other organizations. They also offer resources health centers can use to promote self-testing as part of their “Let’s Stop HIV Together” initiative. You do not need to be a NHFHS patient to request a test but individuals will be asked preliminary questions to determine their HIV risk level. ​When you receive the kit, our Ryan White Program staff will walk you through the testing process step-by-step.


Additional Resources: 
POZ Center for Disease Control and Prevention
The Body: The Complete HIV/AIDS Resource HIV.gov
Aidsvu.org Get Tested
New Horizon Family Health Services
Ryan White
Position Phone Extension
Program 2533
Behavioral Health Counselor 2536
Intake Specialist 2534
Nurse Educators 2505/2544
Medical Case Managers 2021/2541/2558
Peer Navigator 2547
Nurse 2100
Medical Assistant 2540
PrEP Navigator 2553
PrEP Outreach Specialist 2614

Access the HRSA Website for more details and information.